An author by the name of Napoleon Hill (Think and Grow Rich) stated that "an intangible impulse of thought can be transmuted into its physical counterpart". It sounds like a lot of big words that someone wrote for a college text book but that one statement holds more power than anyone can imagine. If you break it down, it says that if you imagine it and believe in it, then it will be so. I know it sounds like more made up fairytale sayings but follow me on this.
Each and every day we make decisions that effect our lives without even realizing how much of an effect that choice really carries. You may wake up early in the morning feeling tired and truly hating the single fact that the only reason you're out of bed is because you are required to perform a job as some business that you may not even enjoy anymore. Maybe you're on the opposite side of that coin and you sleep in every day because you have been unable to find a job even though you feel like you have struggled each day to get hired. In both of these scenarios, you are already behind the curve and you have just set yourself up for failure.
Our thoughts are one of the most powerful forces that exists. It closely follows behind faith and belief. It took me a long time to realize just how wrong I have been all this time in almost all of my choices because I lacked the understanding of my choices and I did not know how much the faith in my decisions mattered. One of the smallest changes that has made the largest impact on my life what in my morning and evening routine. I have a small list of ultimate goals that is broken down into a larger list of achievements that I need to accomplish on my road to success. Each morning, I read over this list 3 times before I leave my home for work. Once upon waking, once after my shower, and then again before I leave. It keeps the ideas fresh and reminds me that each day, no matter what the circumstances, I have achievements that I must accomplish. I also read this list 3 times before I go to bed for the simple fact that it fills me with an unstoppable energy when I open my eyes in the morning.
The keys to success are always dangling just in front of our eyes but most of the time, we fail to see them because we don't possess full faith in our decision to unlock the doors. Take the time to sit down and make your own list. It will be the best investment of time that you have ever made once you start reading it at least once in the morning and once before bed.
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