Friday, June 28, 2013

The New Face Of The Economy

     As most have noticed, I have been lacking in my posts.  Thankfully, it isn't because of complacency and I will soon be able to resume my frequent updates.  For this post, I would like to talk about the world economy and where it is headed.  Much of this was inspired by the works of great entrepreneurs like Robert Kiyosaki. 

     News from around the world reports daily on the status of the world economy and what is current, but they don't cover where the world economy is going.  For those that do not already see it, I will make it clear.  The tides have changed and the finances of the world are headed downward.  The speed at which this is happening accelerates every day.  Not only are people in America headed towards a depression like never before, but the world is following right along with us.  The markets of each country may be completely different but they are all tethered together and where one goes, the rest will surely follow.  Unless........
      Everyone has heard the phrase that the rich continue to get richer while the poor get poorer.  The sad truth is that it is 100% correct.  As the economy spirals downwards, the rich only seem to make more money and the reason is so simple but we fail to recognize it.  For that reason there is 3% of the world population that controls 97% of the world's wealth.  A staggering statistic if there ever was one.  The average American is a middle or lower class citizen that works as an employee until they retire and only if they are able to afford retirement.  They work a job from the time they are able until the time they can no longer complete the task.  On top of their hard work, the government taxes these employees at about 40%.  For the average American though, it is normal to live in this manner.  It was how their parents did it, and how their parents before them lived as well.  WHY!! 
     From the very beginning we are taught that you go to school to learn.  Why?  So that you can one day get a good job.  Why do you want a good job?  So that you can make money.  What happens when you fail at school?  You get punished.  Our school teaches us from day one that we are an employee.  That is how the world works and failure is not an option, even though failure is our best teacher!  What they don't teach us is the one piece of knowledge that we need the most to succeed.  MONEY.  One more staggering fact for you.  Each year, about 17 million people graduate from college and enter the job market only to find themselves averaging $28,000 a year or less.  Do I have your attention?  Welcome to the rat race, now get on the hamster wheel. 
      What people don't realize is that there has been a major shift in the world economy and how business is conducted.  The rich have realized this and they have used this rat race to make themselves even richer and they will continue to do so because we have engrained this idea of how the world works in ourselves and in our children.  It's time for a major change!  The entrepreneur now leads the way.

      Are you ready to step out of your comfort zone and see what is really going on in the world?  If you really are tired of living in the status quo and you are willing to put down all the reasons that say you can't so that you can pick up the one reason that says you can, let me know.  I have a whole new world of freedom to show you.

Monday, June 17, 2013

The Bottomless Money Pit

      Rock bottom strikes each and every person no matter what.  It always starts off slow and easy with something simple.  Maybe an unexpected bill.  It seems simple enough but before you realize it, the snowball has grown out of control and you are now over your head and trying to tread debt in order to stay afloat.  Solutions are everywhere and nowhere at the same time.  "Call us for your free loan consultation." Maybe you've heard this one, "bankruptcy can actually improve your credit!"  Which options do you go with?  Is there any way to actually make it through this and get ahead of the game? 
      Every person has their own feelings about the options that are presented.  I have considered them all and I continue to reconsider them daily.  Each one has its own appeal but it also has cons that accompany them.  Each month I struggle to cover all of my bills and I always find myself with more month left at the end of my pay.  Yes, you read that correctly.  Each paycheck comes and goes without even touching my hands or passing before my eyes.  It has become a sick joke that someone plays by depositing my pay in one door and sending out the back door.  It's time to step off the hamster wheel and get into a nice new BMW.  I'm done wasting my time and working for the benefit of the big boss.
      The proverbial belt is getting tighter each month as I cut out the pointless expenditures.  Think about this; when was the last time you profited from watching tv?  What about the fitness benefits of cable television?  I would say that the answer for almost everyone would be never.  When was the last time a soda, Monster, or alcohol helped you to reach your fitness goals?  Again, the answer is never.  While the dollar amount may seem small in nature, it adds up quickly.  Think about drinking one soda a day for a month.  I will even round down on the price for easier math.  $1 a day times 30 days is $30.  Simple and small as far as value is concerned, but $30 is just about perfect for the cost of a gym membership.  The price of gas is another needless expenditure on many occasions.  I've known people to get in their cars and drive 3 blocks to a friend's house.  While the amount of gas used is small, it also adds up.  Try walking or riding a bicycle.  I know I am.
      All of the cutbacks add up and help in their own way, but it will never be enough.  With the choice to better myself, I have found a group of people that wish to do the same.  Now we work together to bring others into our circle and do the same.  Our numbers brings strength, positivity, knowledge, and also profit.  Vemma is the company, Verrve is the product, and YOU are the business.  That's how we work, that's who we are.  With a team and a positive energy that outweighs ANYTHING negative in our lives, we are overcoming barriers and reaching success.  I will make my life better and Vemma is the vessel that I am going to use to get me there.       

Friday, June 14, 2013

Do You Dream?

            Success.  It is a word of power and prestige.  It is a word that will never cease to conjure images of money, life-long vacations, and fame.  With everyone knowing what this word means and wanting to reach that point in life, why is it that only 3% of the world population controls 97% of the wealth?  Have you ever thought about that?  Maybe you should.
            The answer is very simple.  People are not empowered from within.  The drive to accomplish feats necessary for the attainment of success is just not contained in the spirit of the populous.  Part of it comes from our formal education and the other comes from a long line of personal traits that are passed from parent to child.  A family that lives in the 9-5 routine, running the rat race, will always be in that race until a true change is made.  
            We all dream of reaching the big time.  The day when we can sit back on a beach and do nothing while our cash stacks up in the bank is a wish that every person on this planet makes but it will never come true for 99% of them.  If they do not possess the drive and they allow negativity to push them backwards then they can expect to live out their lives in the rat race.  Think about it on more simplistic terms.  Have you ever told someone “you can’t do that.”?  Have you ever had an idea but decided that it wasn’t worth the trouble?  Have you ever decided to do something, a workout program for instance, but quit because you didn’t have time?  This is all negativity, plain and simple.  It comes about because you don’t have a real reason that holds deep within yourself.  You don’t want success like you think that you do. 
            I lived that life for the longest time.  Up until the last 6 months, I didn’t know that another way even existed.  It was the way that I grew up.  With one simple push from an outside force, I now have a completely new direction in life.  I have a reason.  My goals expanded exponentially. At first I wanted to live a simple and happy life, with a consistent paycheck.  Now, I want to live life as I choose, instead of working through life as my boss tells me that I should.  Who are they to choose my life for me?  The question should have been “who am I to have let someone else choose my life for me?”  
            I have found my driving force and I have found my vehicle that will take me into the future of my choice.  I will achieve every goal that I have ever set for myself and I will do it with ease because I want success just as much as I want to breathe.  Where do you stand?  What is your goal and what is your driving force?  Is it strong?  Show me your goals and I will get you there, if you truly want it bad enough.  Here’s to SUCCESS.

Check out my vehicle at Vemma

Friday, June 7, 2013

Your Goals Are Useless

     I've written about it before but people don't seem to fully understand the power of why.  No matter how often I say it or how much I expand on it, the people I speak to don't completely comprehend what I mean when I say that YOU NEED A POWERFUL WHY!  Take a quick second to remember the goals that you have in your life.  Do you want to become a doctor?  Do you want to become a stay at home father, who has the money to live and raise his family in whatever way he chooses?  Do you simply want vacation money?  Now ask yourself why.  Why do you want that?
     I obviously threw that last goal in the mix for a reason.  It is my goal.  I wish to be able to live my life as I want, without having to work the rest of my life to accomplish it.  Sounds good, right?  Yes, it sounds like I'm only wanting to get rich but that isn't the case.  My reason goes much deeper than that and is rooted in the amount of time that I have lost with my child because of my job.  I have literally missed years of my child's life because of the amount of time that my job requires and I refuse to continue down that path.  Never again will I fall into the "you do what you must" frame of mind because that line is complete garbage.  There is no reason that you have to do anything unless you choose to allow it. 
     It was once said that "if you don't have a plan, then you will fall into someone else's plan and their plan for you isn't much".  Think about that for a second.  I know I did.  It makes perfect sense and it is the root of the everyday rat race that most of the world is categorized as.  Why is it that you find yourself sitting at a desk or on a job that you don't enjoy for a paycheck that barely covers your expenses?  It's because we are trained from the beginning to think that way.  You grow up, get a job, and work for money.  That's not how the world works though!!  There is a reason that 3% of the world controls 97% of the wealth and one of those is because they discovered that the rat race mentality will bring in the labor to make the money for them!  It doesn't have to be that way anymore.  I refuse to live that life.
     Why.  The word took on a whole new meaning for me recently and now I understand what it is to have a driving force in your life.  I choose to make my own path and my own future.  I choose to get off the hamster wheel and live a life that makes me happy instead of a life that makes my boss happy.  I will be my own success story.  My why is powerful and my goals have never been more clear or meant more to me.  Without a why, goals are useless.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Powerful Words Lead To Success

     What is your "why"?  Have you ever asked yourself that question?  If the answer is no, then you should take a few minutes to ponder it.  Figure out what it is that drives you towards accomplishment.  We all have different reasons that can lead us towards the same goals as others, but the important part is WHY.  A goal without a will, is nothing more than a wish.  When there is no drive to push us forward then our dreams are only hopes that will never come to pass.   
     If you have asked that question, then take a few minutes for yourself and decide if your reason is still the same.  Over time our WHY can become modified or possibly even completely different.  It is crucial that we have a solid understanding of WHY we do what we do and where we wish to be.  Close your eyes and breath.  Form a solid picture in your mind of where you are right now.  See yourself exactly as any other person would see you if they happen to walk into your room.  Now progress forward in your mind and move one step at a time until you are standing within the success that you desire. 
     One key note about success.  When you picture success, it shouldn't be an end point.  It isn't an image of you standing in your own personal bank vault with money piled to the ceiling, unless your ultimate goal is to own a bank.  As an example, my idea of personal success would be waking in the morning with an idea such as taking the yacht down to the Bahamas for the week because I choose to do that.  My idea of success is the ability to live my own life as I see fit, with my family close by.  It is not an ending, but more of a beginning of my actual life and I will achieve it. 
     Take about 20 minutes to meditate on this information and see where it leads you, unless you are too busy.  There is an old Zen saying that goes like this. "You should meditate for at least 20 minutes a day, unless you are too busy.  Then you should meditate for an hour."  The future is impatient so don't keep it waiting. 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Desire To Succeed

      With success, comes desire to be successful.  That doesn't exactly make sense until you understand the context.  Think about this;  you are walking out of the local Starbucks and you happen to see a brand new BMW parked next to your very own mediocre car.  It is an awesome vehicle and its reputation follows right along with that of a successful business person.  The ideas are tied together and it is hard to imagine one without the other.  As you look over this car, you feel the need burning inside you.  This is the car that you want to drive when you make it big.  "When" u make it big.  That statement rings in your mind for the next 20 minutes and then fades into the abyss.  The goal of success fades as well and life resumes its normal routine once again. 
     Each day people find themselves in this situation.  There isn't a single one of us that has wished for success in one form or another.  Whether it is financial freedom, job freedom, or the ability to live as you choose instead of how your boss says, the idea of success carries many dreams and wishes.  Those dreams and wishes are often left in the darkness because of the lack of belief in ourselves and our abilities.  We have been told that if we work hard for whatever company we end up in, we can advance within that business.  It's the only way to reach the top.  That's the mindset that destroys the dreams that we hold most dear.
     Traditional jobs are done.  The economy is failing and the job market has dried up.  The chance to advance within your chosen field has flown out the window, leaving only the hope that one day it will return. Fear follows in that chain of events as well.  We begin to fear the loss of our livelihood and it keeps up working harder for less pay.  We choose to sit and suffer in silence instead of speaking up and striking out on our own.  The unknown world seems so big and unforgiving and there is no way that we could survive out there on our own with no job.  Or is there?  What options are you left with?
     Fear and hope hold us in an unforgiving grip until we decide to break fingers and get loose.  We are filled with thoughts of "I can't" and "I wish" instead of "I can" and "I'm going to".  You will never be truly free until you cut through the chains of fear and hope with a hot torch so that you may pursue your own interests.  There are literally hundreds of ways to do that, but for myself, I have chosen to pursue Vemma.  There is nothing like the products, and there is nothing like the team that is built from positivity and dedication to each other.  It is my jump off point for my future.  What will be yours?  Choose wisely.