Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Inside the Box

                Our minds tend to remain stuck inside the proverbial box.  No matter how often we feel like we are thinking from the outside angle, many times that assumption is wrong.  We always tend to revert back to the training and education that was pounded into our heads from birth and whether we realize it or not, it inhibits our abilities in a major way. 

                The world has changed.  It is no longer the realm of secure jobs and social security retirements.  This change began when the Berlin Wall fell and is within the last days of its metamorphosis as you read this.  We were raised in a reality where our parents drilled us with logic like this:

Go to school and get good grades + Go to college and get a degree = financial and professional success

                Well my friends, that whole mathematic equation is completely wrong.  Each year an average of 17 million people graduate from college.  As awesome as that number is, 54 percent of new college graduates are either unemployed or working for a job outside of their degree, making an average of $23,000 or less annually.  The logic of our parents has succeeded in creating drones for the workforce who are also deep in debt with the US Government for student loans.  Those who know will tell you that interest rates on student loans tend to stack up like no other. 

                Education is important and many career paths require it.  You will never be able to become a doctor or lawyer without school.  Staying at a Holiday Inn Express doesn’t actually qualify you for that.  Personal development and personal education is much more important to today’s job market though.  A person with 4 years of experience working a particular trade will trump the new college grad applying for the same position every time. 

                The world is now based on networking.  Throughout my entire conversation with the DOL Representative, he stressed over and over about the importance of having a network of people.  If you break down his words, he is saying that it isn’t what you know, but who you know and who they know!  If you want to get ahead and be successful, the pursuit of a positive network carries so much power.  How many times have you heard about someone getting a job because his cousin is friends with the owner’s son (or something to that effect)? 

                The network makes everything possible.  So what is networking to you?  Typically, a network is the people around us that we know and work with.  A majority of the population will develop a network while in high school and that will remain the only network in their lives.   The problem with that is everyone wants to make more money and no one understands that a strong network actually makes that possible!  The real issue is the fear that everyone has about stepping outside of the box and doing something new. 

                With such influential people like Robert Kiyosaki (author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad) and even investors such as Warren Buffet operating in network marketing, why aren’t you considering it?  When the idea of network marketing is thrown out in a room, the words “pyramid scheme”  and “get rich quick scheme” shortly follows.  The truth is, people are scared of the unknown and the idea that making money easier than working 40 hours a week is way outside the box and it scares them.  Fear is the one true obstacle.  If network marketing were a pyramid scheme, then it is a billion dollar a year industry and the government would have shut it down a long time ago.  To add to this, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Robert Kiyosaki, Jim Rohn, and many other influential people would be in jail right now. 

                To address the idea of getting rich in a hurry I can only say that sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn’t.  It is not typical and most people involved in the industry will tell you that it isn’t as easy as we all tend to think.  There is serious time and effort that goes into being successful and only those with the determination and drive for the business will truly succeed.  It all starts with a “why”. 
So the question is, what is holding you back from passive income?  If you want to know more about passive income or network marketing, feel free to email me at Dykes.Robert09@gmail.com or check out my websites: