Socially Awkward
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Excuse for Life
Each day is filled with choices that must be made and many of them are decided on without a second thought. They have been performed repetitively so often and for so long that the need for conscious thought no longer exists. It is these actions that plague the society as a whole and it is why success, or the achievement of personal goals, is often left on the side of the road.
How many times have you thought "I really need to get in the gym." This thought starts as a small whisper in the back of your mind while driving to work. By lunch time, it has grown to a booming voice of excitement and you have decided that it's time and you will start right after work. When that time comes you find that you are tired and no longer have the energy to carry out the plan so the start date gets moved to Monday. The intentions are still there and the excitement is still there but the energy to carry out the task has left the building so instead, you retire to your home where you enjoy a nice dinner with a little bowl of ice cream and watch 4 hours of television before bed. Was the excuse actually a valid one? If you answer anything other than "no", your wrong. The same concepts go for food and the idea of healthy eating. Even work items can fall prey to excuses and procrastination.
So the duty of fault recognition and personal development fall on none other than yourself. Where do you go from here? The decision is yours but this time, put some thought into it before you jump to the normal routine.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Inside the Box
Friday, July 12, 2013
The Driving Force of Life
It is amazing to me that our energy levels can be influenced so much by the outside world and our perceptions of it. For many people the world is looked at on a daily basis with no real concept of how little time we truly have on this earth. These types of people will live their life in a monotonous circle, doing the same routines until they are forced to change. At that point they adjust to a new routine and carry on as if this is the only way to live. Tbey never truly discover meaning in their life nor do they even care. Life seems to be a simple list of daily actions to complete.
The second group of people are those that live in the same routine as the first group but wish to be more. They know that there is more to this world than a routine exercise and they have a small desire to change and see things differently but they lack the courage to step out of the comfort zone and risk something to achieve that dream. They will continue to live this life always wishing but never doing.
The third group are the successful types. These are the people that are perceived to be lucky in life because they have everything they want and more. The truth to their success is all about risk though and the knowledge that was acquired during the failures that were overcome along the way. These people set the standards for those in the second group and continuously raise that bar.
We can all be grouped into o e of these categories and many times in our lives we will find ourselves between these three groups but ultimately it comes down to a choice. How will you see the world and what will drive you to achieve higher standards for yourself? When you find that drive to be better, you will also find that your energy levels are through the roof and nothing in life will ever slow you down.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Positivity Will Change The World
Gossip. The one aspect of life that we could all do without but it is and will continue to be the start of conversations all over the world. Assumptions only add to that spinning snowball creating something larger than and more negative. It is amazing how something so small as an assumption can lead to the destruction of someone's self esteem. Whether or not this gossip is true is of no concern and the words will continue to be passed from one person to the next without giving a single thought as to how it might affect the subject of discussion. Why do we do this to each other?
Positive actions, words, and thoughts are becoming the new currency of this world. With each passing day, these things become less relevant to the modern day person and they are slowly beginning to disappear. The reason I call this a new currency is simple. The words of a positive person WILL change lives for the better. A positive person becomes a light to those that only see darkness and those that live in the negative will unknowingly begin to change because of the simple, small, but enormously positive words of one person.
The world that we have created tends to focus on the negative and for the most part, those people caught up in negativity don't even realize that they are swimming in this black hole that drains their will and hope. If they would only stop saying "I can't do that" once and reconsider, the world around them would change. All of a sudden, they would be able focus more on the one simple reason why "I can" instead of the fifty million reasons that they can't. The light of hope would become unsheathed and for once, dreams would be possible. Not because an opportunity opened up, but because they found a way to get up off of ground and continue to push, no matter how many times they are bombarded with negative words and actions of others.
Take the time to consider all the choices that you made today. How many times did you decide "I can't" over "I can"? How many times did you make a choice solely on the idea that others might not choose the same as you? We live in a world of conformity but what we don't know is that those that conform never reach true success. Only those that step outside of their own comfort zone, those that stand up and push back when someone says "it will never work" or "you just can't do that", will ever reach true success. Make a change in your own life. Preach positivity to yourself as well as those around you. You will find friction and resistance, but eventually all those that oppose you will fall to the wayside or fall in behind you. The idea is to live for yourself, not for everyone else. Build your own dream and don't fall into the trap of working to build someone else's. If you don't have a dream and a plan, then you unconsciously allow others to make your plan for you and trust me when I say that it isn't that great.
Friday, June 28, 2013
The New Face Of The Economy
News from around the world reports daily on the status of the world economy and what is current, but they don't cover where the world economy is going. For those that do not already see it, I will make it clear. The tides have changed and the finances of the world are headed downward. The speed at which this is happening accelerates every day. Not only are people in America headed towards a depression like never before, but the world is following right along with us. The markets of each country may be completely different but they are all tethered together and where one goes, the rest will surely follow. Unless........
Everyone has heard the phrase that the rich continue to get richer while the poor get poorer. The sad truth is that it is 100% correct. As the economy spirals downwards, the rich only seem to make more money and the reason is so simple but we fail to recognize it. For that reason there is 3% of the world population that controls 97% of the world's wealth. A staggering statistic if there ever was one. The average American is a middle or lower class citizen that works as an employee until they retire and only if they are able to afford retirement. They work a job from the time they are able until the time they can no longer complete the task. On top of their hard work, the government taxes these employees at about 40%. For the average American though, it is normal to live in this manner. It was how their parents did it, and how their parents before them lived as well. WHY!!
From the very beginning we are taught that you go to school to learn. Why? So that you can one day get a good job. Why do you want a good job? So that you can make money. What happens when you fail at school? You get punished. Our school teaches us from day one that we are an employee. That is how the world works and failure is not an option, even though failure is our best teacher! What they don't teach us is the one piece of knowledge that we need the most to succeed. MONEY. One more staggering fact for you. Each year, about 17 million people graduate from college and enter the job market only to find themselves averaging $28,000 a year or less. Do I have your attention? Welcome to the rat race, now get on the hamster wheel.
What people don't realize is that there has been a major shift in the world economy and how business is conducted. The rich have realized this and they have used this rat race to make themselves even richer and they will continue to do so because we have engrained this idea of how the world works in ourselves and in our children. It's time for a major change! The entrepreneur now leads the way.
Are you ready to step out of your comfort zone and see what is really going on in the world? If you really are tired of living in the status quo and you are willing to put down all the reasons that say you can't so that you can pick up the one reason that says you can, let me know. I have a whole new world of freedom to show you.
Monday, June 17, 2013
The Bottomless Money Pit
Every person has their own feelings about the options that are presented. I have considered them all and I continue to reconsider them daily. Each one has its own appeal but it also has cons that accompany them. Each month I struggle to cover all of my bills and I always find myself with more month left at the end of my pay. Yes, you read that correctly. Each paycheck comes and goes without even touching my hands or passing before my eyes. It has become a sick joke that someone plays by depositing my pay in one door and sending out the back door. It's time to step off the hamster wheel and get into a nice new BMW. I'm done wasting my time and working for the benefit of the big boss.
The proverbial belt is getting tighter each month as I cut out the pointless expenditures. Think about this; when was the last time you profited from watching tv? What about the fitness benefits of cable television? I would say that the answer for almost everyone would be never. When was the last time a soda, Monster, or alcohol helped you to reach your fitness goals? Again, the answer is never. While the dollar amount may seem small in nature, it adds up quickly. Think about drinking one soda a day for a month. I will even round down on the price for easier math. $1 a day times 30 days is $30. Simple and small as far as value is concerned, but $30 is just about perfect for the cost of a gym membership. The price of gas is another needless expenditure on many occasions. I've known people to get in their cars and drive 3 blocks to a friend's house. While the amount of gas used is small, it also adds up. Try walking or riding a bicycle. I know I am.
All of the cutbacks add up and help in their own way, but it will never be enough. With the choice to better myself, I have found a group of people that wish to do the same. Now we work together to bring others into our circle and do the same. Our numbers brings strength, positivity, knowledge, and also profit. Vemma is the company, Verrve is the product, and YOU are the business. That's how we work, that's who we are. With a team and a positive energy that outweighs ANYTHING negative in our lives, we are overcoming barriers and reaching success. I will make my life better and Vemma is the vessel that I am going to use to get me there.
Friday, June 14, 2013
Do You Dream?
Check out my vehicle at Vemma