Rock bottom strikes each and every person no matter what. It always starts off slow and easy with something simple. Maybe an unexpected bill. It seems simple enough but before you realize it, the snowball has grown out of control and you are now over your head and trying to tread debt in order to stay afloat. Solutions are everywhere and nowhere at the same time. "Call us for your free loan consultation." Maybe you've heard this one, "bankruptcy can actually improve your credit!" Which options do you go with? Is there any way to actually make it through this and get ahead of the game?
Every person has their own feelings about the options that are presented. I have considered them all and I continue to reconsider them daily. Each one has its own appeal but it also has cons that accompany them. Each month I struggle to cover all of my bills and I always find myself with more month left at the end of my pay. Yes, you read that correctly. Each paycheck comes and goes without even touching my hands or passing before my eyes. It has become a sick joke that someone plays by depositing my pay in one door and sending out the back door. It's time to step off the hamster wheel and get into a nice new BMW. I'm done wasting my time and working for the benefit of the big boss.
The proverbial belt is getting tighter each month as I cut out the pointless expenditures. Think about this; when was the last time you profited from watching tv? What about the fitness benefits of cable television? I would say that the answer for almost everyone would be never. When was the last time a soda, Monster, or alcohol helped you to reach your fitness goals? Again, the answer is never. While the dollar amount may seem small in nature, it adds up quickly. Think about drinking one soda a day for a month. I will even round down on the price for easier math. $1 a day times 30 days is $30. Simple and small as far as value is concerned, but $30 is just about perfect for the cost of a gym membership. The price of gas is another needless expenditure on many occasions. I've known people to get in their cars and drive 3 blocks to a friend's house. While the amount of gas used is small, it also adds up. Try walking or riding a bicycle. I know I am.
All of the cutbacks add up and help in their own way, but it will never be enough. With the choice to better myself, I have found a group of people that wish to do the same. Now we work together to bring others into our circle and do the same. Our numbers brings strength, positivity, knowledge, and also profit. Vemma is the company, Verrve is the product, and YOU are the business. That's how we work, that's who we are. With a team and a positive energy that outweighs ANYTHING negative in our lives, we are overcoming barriers and reaching success. I will make my life better and Vemma is the vessel that I am going to use to get me there.
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