I've written about it before but people don't seem to fully understand the power of why. No matter how often I say it or how much I expand on it, the people I speak to don't completely comprehend what I mean when I say that YOU NEED A POWERFUL WHY! Take a quick second to remember the goals that you have in your life. Do you want to become a doctor? Do you want to become a stay at home father, who has the money to live and raise his family in whatever way he chooses? Do you simply want vacation money? Now ask yourself why. Why do you want that?
I obviously threw that last goal in the mix for a reason. It is my goal. I wish to be able to live my life as I want, without having to work the rest of my life to accomplish it. Sounds good, right? Yes, it sounds like I'm only wanting to get rich but that isn't the case. My reason goes much deeper than that and is rooted in the amount of time that I have lost with my child because of my job. I have literally missed years of my child's life because of the amount of time that my job requires and I refuse to continue down that path. Never again will I fall into the "you do what you must" frame of mind because that line is complete garbage. There is no reason that you have to do anything unless you choose to allow it.
It was once said that "if you don't have a plan, then you will fall into someone else's plan and their plan for you isn't much". Think about that for a second. I know I did. It makes perfect sense and it is the root of the everyday rat race that most of the world is categorized as. Why is it that you find yourself sitting at a desk or on a job that you don't enjoy for a paycheck that barely covers your expenses? It's because we are trained from the beginning to think that way. You grow up, get a job, and work for money. That's not how the world works though!! There is a reason that 3% of the world controls 97% of the wealth and one of those is because they discovered that the rat race mentality will bring in the labor to make the money for them! It doesn't have to be that way anymore. I refuse to live that life.
Why. The word took on a whole new meaning for me recently and now I understand what it is to have a driving force in your life. I choose to make my own path and my own future. I choose to get off the hamster wheel and live a life that makes me happy instead of a life that makes my boss happy. I will be my own success story. My why is powerful and my goals have never been more clear or meant more to me. Without a why, goals are useless.
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