Friday, May 24, 2013

Achieving a Dream

            Why is it that we so often know what we want and where we want to be but we never pursue it?  We tend to forget that life is short and the belief that “there will be time for that later” takes hold.  This phrase is repeated to us so often that it gets included in our self-conscious thoughts.  We let time slide by and allow the flow of everyday life to take over.  After a few years of living in the world that everyone else has made, we let our own goals fall to the side and begin to follow the directions of someone else in hopes that their idea of success for us will be the right one.  We begin to indirectly think that the path that someone else has chosen for us is the right one because they know best.  The goals that we had when we began this journey take a backseat and eventually fade into the black if we allow them.   
Each and every day, I speak with people about their goals and their future.  I might be prying a little into peoples lives, but sometimes it is the push that they need to re-ignite that fire for the life that they so desperately wanted in the beginning.  Some have changed their goals and are happily chasing a new dream while others are just sort of following a beaten path.  Instead of writing the story of their own achievements, they are copying from the pages of someone else who is no more successful than themselves.  It is a sad truth but a common one and it happens because of a lack of self-realization. 
In order to be successful in this life, we must sit down and have an honest conversation within ourselves.  Ask the questions that excite you and write down the answers on something that you can read everyday.  The answer will be simple to start but develop it before you post it on the mirror.  The question will be “what is my goal?” and the answer may be something like “to be a lawyer”.  Short, simple, and to the point but now it is time to develop it.  Once it’s done, it should look like this: 

            “I am going to be the best family attorney in Los Angeles
by enrolling in the UCLA Law program, achieving my BA and then
transfer to Harvard law where I will maintain a 3.8 GPA and
earn my internship at Swartski and Johnson Law Firm.  I will
then earn my way to a partner position within 3 years and use the
experience to start my own law firm by the age of 37.”

Once it’s created and perfected, then post it in several places.  The bathroom mirror is a good spot.  The refrigerator door is another good spot.  A third idea would be on the steering wheel of your car.  You know yourself best so post it in at least 3 places that you will see each morning and each night.  Each and every time you see it, read it out loud to yourself.  It doesn’t matter if you have it memorized or not, but read it out loud, word for word, and feel it.  Imagine it being true.  See yourself standing at the front door of your own personal law firm with your name over the door.  Imagine the customers waiting in the lobby to see you for their court case.  Use this tool and it will open a whole new world.  

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