Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Power Of Positivity

    I was recently inspired by a conversation with a friend of mine.  He is a man that lives and breathes the struggle of a true entrepreneur and I have personally seen the obstacles that he manages to overcome with ease.  He seemed to hold a secret that I just didn't understand until now.  It really wasn't a secret at all.  Everything seemed to be working for him because of his positive attitude.  No matter what was going on or how hard things were for him at the moment, it was always the "right time", as he put it, to get something going.  No matter what had happened to him, it was the reason that he had reached this point in his life and without the struggle, there was no triumph.  The place that he was standing was exactly where he needed to be and it was exactly the right time to be there.  With this attitude and positive way of thinking, the walls in front of him are deconstructed and rebuilt in whatever manner he desires.  What he doesn't realize is the effect that it has on the people that he encounters.

     Everyone has a person in their memory that seems to hold the world in their hands without so much as lifting a finger.  They could be homeless, sleeping on the street, and asking for spare change, but the positive attitude still remains and it carries them through.  In fact, it even supports them.  When they come into contact with another person, an unknown transaction occurs.  A light-hearted feeling of relief is secretly infused into the negativity and uncertainty and the day automatically becomes better.  It is life changing.  After several encounters and experiencing the same sort of change in their life, a realization is made.  The realization that positivity is powerful and when it is put into play, it can change the world for everyone. 

     Those that follow me on Facebook and Twitter know that I hold positive motivation close in a major way.  It is the lifestyle that I have chosen and I am working harder each day to be better.  Without a doubt in my mind, this young man even has an effect on me.  Each time I meet with him is a blessing and I look forward to our next conversation.  Soon, I will be working with him and together we are going to build the dream that we both have been wishing for.  There is no way to stop the power of positivity.      

Shout out to Patrick Hays.  When the team works, the dream works brother.

1 comment:

  1. It's always motivating reading your blogs and being able to resonate with every word chiseled within these pages! Every situation we face in life, whether it's good or bad, can only be that of perfect timing! d:)
