Monday, May 20, 2013

Consumers vs. Producers

            In our society, children are taught the power of money at a very young age.  We all learn that money can get us the material items that we need as well as the items that we want and when we get what we want, we are happy.  Without realizing it, each generation has indirectly learned that money can buy happiness.  The problem with this lesson is that it has already set us up for failure.  Life becomes a struggle to make more money because the connection between money and happiness has been made solid and is reinforced each time we make a personal purchase.  We learn to save our hard earned money to make large purchases and lessons on the power and importance of credit are few and far in between.  In this manner, we become life-long consumers.

            Have you ever heard the phrase “got to have money to make money”?  If you are a regular middle class American, then this phrase is probably spoken without regard on a regular basis.  It usually appears when someone is talking about a big idea that would put them on top, if only they had the money to pay for the start up costs.  As with many other things, this idea fades into the past and is never brought up again.  It may have been a true money maker but the lack of knowledge pertaining to currency and how money really works results in misunderstanding.  The knowledge is out there and if we take the time to re-educate ourselves in finances then success would come at a much easier rate.  You know need the motivation to seek out the information.  The time has come to change our beliefs on money and to reinvent our way of using it.  To succeed in life we have to become producers.

            In the eyes of a producer, there is never a lack of funding.  Money can be brought about from thin air if you have the right knowledge of how it works.  This makes business start-up possible.  The idea of failure always exists in a producers’ mind, but it never occupies his or her thoughts.  Failure is a way of life, but it is also a way of learning and a means of doing it better on the next round.  A producer may experience hundreds of failures on his way to success but that one successful endeavor could make him a millionaire.  Why waste energy on stressful thoughts like failure when positive thoughts of succeeding yield much better results. 

            Each and every day, you come in contact with many different people.  You have hundreds of people that you know and talk to on a semi-regular basis.  Think back on those people for a few minutes.  Did any of them ever seem like they always found money when they needed it?  Maybe they turned a home project into a small side business to cover some sort of cost that they incurred or maybe they managed to turn their garage full of junk into a nice chunk of change to purchase a new car with.  This is the undiscovered producer.  They don’t quite understand how they do it and it is quite possible that they don’t realize they are doing it.  They just have a natural ability to make money when the need presents itself.  They focus on what they need and the set goals to achieve it.  Each step they take may be small or it may be large, but it is all part of a master plan to succeed and they always manage to do just that.  I bring up the natural producers to make a separate point.  Everyone has weakness in life.  Some aren’t good at math and others can’t be social.  We have our strengths and a producer focuses on those strengths.  For weaker areas, we need support from like-minded producers.  If you surround yourself with the proper people, you can achieve anything. 

1 comment:

  1. I like your blog Rob! I have thought of doing something similar, as facebook doesn't seem like a good medium for sharing certain concepts or thoughts...
