Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Tearing Down The Wall

     The last few days have been a little bit of a struggle.  Motivation has escaped me on several occasions and I have had to fight hard to recapture it once again.  Discouragement seems to find me more often now and obstacles are beginning to form in front of me.  I am seeing the infamous wall grow out of thin air and it is working its way skyward to obstruct my view of the happiness to come. 
     It happens every time a person begins to make strives towards a better future.  There is no avoiding it and there are two options available.  I can break through it or I can let it break me and I refuse to steer down the latter path.  I've been working so hard on this and, even though the work is hard, I get so much joy from what I'm doing.  I am struggling throughout the day as I try to manage my Navy life, my personal life, and my future life, but I take comfort in knowing that soon enough the pressure and stress that I am enduring will all be worth it.  I gain momentum from knowing that I will never stop making positive changes in my life and with each step forward, I am moving faster.  The sun shines on my face and my faith shares the burden that I carry.  They say that if you work at something that you enjoy, then you will never truly work a day in your life.  That is my future.
     In a matter of weeks I have managed to changed so many aspects of my life that were making me unhappy.  I still have a long way to go on this journey and I have proven to myself that the will power was easier to come by than expected.  Faith is by far the strongest force on earth and I have learned to use it as motivation and wield it as if it were a tool in my hands.  With it, I will conquer my fear of stepping out into the open.  I will put myself out there and continue on my way no matter what obstacles develop in my path.  I will finish what I have started.

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